The Cortical Lamina Technique a new device for horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation.

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Roberto Rossi Edoardo Foce


For many years guided bone regeneration has been a challenge in oral and implant surgery. Many techniques and devices have been used in trying to regenerate and reconstruct resorbed edentulous ridges. The literature in the field is scarce due to the impossibility to perform RCT on such lesions, therefore the judgement of the international community is based on case reports and retrospective studies.

In the last ten years a new device has proved to be quite successful and predictable on top of showing a very low morbidity, a membrane made of xenogeneic collagenated bone with features that are very different from any other material used in the past.

This paper will show the application of the cortical lamina technique where a vertical and horizontal defect was corrected and successfully restored.

Keywords: Bone Regeneration, Bone Grafting, Ridge Augmentation, Cortical Lamina

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How to Cite
ROSSI, Roberto; FOCE, Edoardo. The Cortical Lamina Technique a new device for horizontal and vertical ridge augmentation.. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 7, n. 11, nov. 2019. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 dec. 2024. doi:


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