Biological Roles of Induction of Fetal hemoglobin Production by Genetic Switching In Medical Practice, A Mini Review

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Habib Nourani Khojasteh Amin Nooranikhojasteh


Fetal hemoglobin switching is a good model for application of reversing silenced gene in the treatment of hemoglobin diseases.With understanding of the mechanisms and targeting the silenced genes to reactivate the fetal hemoglobin by transcription factors in future,it is possible to control many hemoglobinopathies in human ,from this aspect it is interesting to know about major molecular axis ,negative regulator and positive regulator of fetal hemoglobin genes and also this field is a model for the treatment of many spectrum of diseases.

Keywords: Fetal Hemoglobin, Gene Silencing, Hemoglobinopathies

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KHOJASTEH, Habib Nourani; NOORANIKHOJASTEH, Amin. Biological Roles of Induction of Fetal hemoglobin Production by Genetic Switching In Medical Practice, A Mini Review. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 4, apr. 2020. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi:
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