Prevalence and Trends of Severe Obesity Among Mississippi Public School Students, 2005-2013

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Lei Zhang Melissa Kirkup Jerome Kolbo


This study estimated the prevalence of class 2 and 3 obesity and severe obesity (combination of class 2 and 3 obesity) in Mississippi public school students in grades K-12 and assessed changes in prevalence between 2005 and 2013. During the study period, the average prevalence of class 2 and 3 obesity was 6.2% and 3.5%, respectively. A significant linear trend was observed for class 3 obesity, decreased from 4.6% in 2005 to 3.3% in 2013. In addition, a significant linear decrease was observed for severe obesity among males, whites, and elementary school students. These findings are compared to the national, other state studies, and the previous studies using the same surveys. It is also discussed in light of policy initiatives and on health disparity. 

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How to Cite
ZHANG, Lei; KIRKUP, Melissa; KOLBO, Jerome. Prevalence and Trends of Severe Obesity Among Mississippi Public School Students, 2005-2013. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], n. 3, july 2015. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 dec. 2024.
Research Articles