Influence of organism regulation process on the condition of biologically active points

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N. M. Bogatov A. N. Bogatova L. R. Grigoryan M. S. Kovalenko A. S. Sinitsyn S. A. Sukhih


Human body is an open energy system. Aggressive environment forces us to adapt to modern social and economic conditions, technogenic factors and increasing psychological, physical and informational overload. Physiological self-regulation is realized both at the level of individual functional system as well as through their interaction. These are the most important factor in achieving physiological, psychological and social adaptation.

Biologically active points (BAP), are projected onto the skin areas of the highest activity of the system of interaction, which unites the integuments of the body, nervous system, internal organs. In them at different depths (from several millimeters to several centimeters) nerve receptors are located, which perceive the effect and transmit them to the internal organs. The functional properties of BAP allow them to participate in the processes of regulating the energy balance of the body.

The purpose of this study is to measure changes in the physical parameters of BAPs involved in the energy exchange.

In this study BAPs were impacted in two ways. In the first method, experiment participants concentrated mentally to affect the exchange of energy and information in the body. In the first method, organs or energy centers were impacted by the participant himself within his or her internal bodily environment. In the second method, external BAP activation was employed. Laser radiation with wavelength of 0.63 ÷ 0.65 μm and power output power no more than 5 mW.

BAP status was assessed by methods of functional diagnostics, i.e measurement of electrical potentials (Foul method) and measurement of infrared radiation on the body surface (thermal imaging method).

Despite the differences in impact mechanisms, both methods produce the same effect: an increase in the ability for adaptation and normalization of the functional body state. Thermal imaging is a method for objective monitoring the results of energy-information exchange in the body. Thermal field of the body surface reflects individual characteristics of an organism. Changes in thermal field parameters provoked by self-regulation correspond with individual differences related to person's physiological and psychological state.

Keywords: psychophysiology, self-regulation, biologically active points, infrared radiation

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How to Cite
BOGATOV, N. M. et al. Influence of organism regulation process on the condition of biologically active points. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 7, july 2020. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
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