Multipurpose, Reusable, Female Contraceptive Device That Enhances the Effectiveness of Fertility Awareness Methods and Controls Stress Incontinence

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Alfred Adib Shihata Brody Steven A Linderoth Birgit Julia Barrett-Mitchell


Introduction: There is a significant deficiency in women’s reproductive health needs:

  • Lack of options of non-hormonal contraceptive

  • Fertility awareness method is the safest and yet it is rarely

  • Women suffer from Stress Incontinence


Objectives: To provide women with one device that can be used for 1) Contraception by stopping sperm from entering the cervix, 2) To enhance the effectiveness of Fertility Awareness Methods by accurately detecting ovulation day and 3) Control Stress Urinary Incontinence by supporting the bladder neck.


Materials and Methods: We selected the FDA approved FemCap contraceptive device to determine its utility to fulfill the three basic reproductive health needs for women.

  • The FemCap is a safe and effective, time tested, barrier contraceptive

  • The FemCap can collect a large amount of fertile cervical mucous, that is not mixed with vaginal

  • The use of currently available pessaries have significant limitations such as displacement, erosion or even ulceration and urethral

The FemCap shows marked similarity to the ring pessary with support. The Rim of the FemCap is similar in shape and function to the ring of the pessary that supports the bladder neck. The outward flaring brim restores the anatomy of the urethra and the vagina. The bowl of the FemCap supports the cervix and prevents it from descending, which is like the supported pessary.

Results: 1) The FemCap is a well-established barrier contraceptive device. 2) It is also has proven in pilot studies to enhance the effectiveness of fertility awareness methods and 3) control stress incontinence.

Conclusion: It would be ideal and cost effective for women to acquire one multipurpose reusable device that can be used for contraception to enhance fertility awareness and to control stress incontinence.

Keywords: FemCap, contraception, urinary stress incontinence, Fertility Awareness Method

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How to Cite
SHIHATA, Alfred Adib et al. Multipurpose, Reusable, Female Contraceptive Device That Enhances the Effectiveness of Fertility Awareness Methods and Controls Stress Incontinence. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 8, aug. 2020. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 jan. 2025. doi:
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