Physiological Profile Versus Fencing Performance in Elite Indian Male Fencers

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Madhu Bhatt, MB:BS, MD Anup Krishnan, MB;BS, DSM, PhD Vishal Sharma, MB;BS, MD Chandrasekhara Guru, MB:BS, MD Deep Sharma, MB:BS, MD Sunil Jhajharia, MB:BS, MD Krishan Singh, MB:BS, MD


Background: Fencing is a combat sport influenced by psychomotor abilities, explosive power and physical endurance. It requires anaerobic performance in bouts and aerobic performance to reach the tournament finals. The study was conducted to analyse the physiological profile of elite Indian male fencers in terms of anthropometry, aerobic fitness, anaerobic fitness and Fencing scores.

Methods: 37 elite male fencers of a Sports institute volunteered to be part of the   study.

Results: Fencing score was significantly positively correlated with sports age (r=0.510, p=0.001) and Standing broad jump (SBJ) (r=0.408, p=0.012). Further, sports age and fencing scores were significantly positively correlated with national medals (r=0.610, p<0.0001), (r=0.659, p<0.0001) and international medals (r=0.532, p=0.001), (r=0.500, p=0.002) respectively. On Multiple Regression analysis, Sports age (β=1.300, 95% CI=0.437, 2.162), VO2max (β=0.753, 95% CI=0.266, 1.240) and fencing score (β=10.488, 95% CI=3.919, 17.058) were significant predictors of national medals. Height (β=0.069, 95% CI=0.025, 0.113), standing broad jump (β= -3.519, 95% CI= -5.731,-1.308), shuttle speed (β= -1.257, 95% CI= -5.731, -1.308) and fencing performance (β=1.235, 95% CI=0.410, 2.060) were significant predictors of international medals.

Conclusion: Sports age and SBJ can predict fencing performance.VO2 max can predict national medals and height was a significant predictor of international medals won.

Keywords: Physiological profile, Performance, Elite fencers

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How to Cite
BHATT, Madhu et al. Physiological Profile Versus Fencing Performance in Elite Indian Male Fencers. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 3, mar. 2021. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 28 dec. 2024. doi:
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