Hearing Their Voices: Exploring the Patient Narratives of Adolescent and Young Adults Who Have Undergone Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery—A Case Series

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Veronica R Johnson, MD Kayla A. Northam, RN, BSN Joice J. Smith, BA Faith Anne Newsome, BA Gricelda Gomez, MD, MPH Fatima Cody Stanford, MD, MPH, MPA


Background: Severe obesity in adolescence and young adulthood is undertreated which leads to obesity-related chronic diseases that progress into adulthood. Many organizations including the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) support early consideration of metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) in the pediatric population to reduce morbidity and mortality. 

Methods: Five diverse patients who underwent metabolic and bariatric surgery (MBS) in the form of a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) contributed patient narratives that captured their life, with a focus on health related quality of life, before and after MBS.

Results: MBS leads to significant improvement in health status via decreased mortality and improved health related quality of life.

Conclusion: The perspectives of those patients who have undergone surgery in adolescence and young adulthood are not adequately captured in the medical literature. While the featured voices are not representative of all, their narratives may increase awareness and utilization of MBS in the treatment of severe obesity in the pediatric population. 

Keywords: adolescents, young adults, overweight, obesity, bariatric surgery, weight bias

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How to Cite
JOHNSON, Veronica R et al. Hearing Their Voices: Exploring the Patient Narratives of Adolescent and Young Adults Who Have Undergone Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery—A Case Series. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 5, may 2021. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/2419>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v9i5.2419.
Case Reports


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