Realistic dosage of tummy time practice during infancy.

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Do Kyeong Lee Joao Barros Janet Hauck


Background: The pediatricians recommend “tummy time” (placing a baby on their stomach while awake) as a physical activity for non-locomotor infants. However, parents often do not fully understand specific methods for fulfilling tummy time recommendations, then did not implement tummy time in the early stage of life. Aim of the study: The study aimed to determine the realistic dosage of daily tummy time for parents and infants of various ages.

Methods: A total of 11 infants (7 girls, 4 boys, start age 61. 5days) participated in the intervention. Accumulate 60 minutes of tummy time was requested throughout the day.

Results: Infants completed the intervention (achievement of sitting milestone age) at an average of 182.18 days old. The average duration of intervention days was 120.63 days. The average daily practice was 50.12 minutes. During the intervention, the percentage of completed days infants meet their required dosage was an average of 46.3 %. The percentage of missing days infants did not practice tummy time at all was an average of 18.64%. The percentage of days that infants did practice tummy time, but were under the required dosage was an average of 23.51%.

Conclusion: It was evident that the prescribed dosage of daily practice was a too ambitious goal and maybe far from realistic for non-locomotor infants.

Keywords: tummy time, early exercise, physical activity, motor development

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How to Cite
LEE, Do Kyeong; BARROS, Joao; HAUCK, Janet. Realistic dosage of tummy time practice during infancy.. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 6, june 2021. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
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