Ethics or Bioethics for the Medical Profession?

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Eugenio Luna Perez


The events that have occurred as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic have brought to the fore the figure of the doctor, as a main actor, in this complex and uncertain scenario. Many of the medical actions carried out have required strength, reflection, wisdom and prudence, all of them essential virtues according to the classical philosophical tradition, and that the ETHOS of the medical profession and the doctor translate, with this it is necessary to emphasize that it is the traditional medical ethics, the basis of this undeniable commitment to humanity, and that Bioethics, born 60 years ago, has been invested with an unthinkable condition, by its creator VR Potter, who proposed that the main objective should be scientific development -Technical but with ecological responsibility, beyond its supposed guiding function of current medicine.

Which are the motivations for choosing the School of Medicine? What does it mean to be a good professional? How to respond to an increasingly demanding society? In light of the development of new technologies and communication systems, which today are universally accessible. It seems that the answer to these questions lies in a higher education based on ancestral ethical principles, which have been professed by generations of doctors, in traditional clinical practice and in practicing general medicine to achieve the specific medical training process, thus achieving efficiently meet the primary health demands of society. Therefore, Bioethics must be understood as an incipient discipline whose objective is to warn about the care of ecosystems, necessary for the survival of the human being, different from medical ethics.

Keywords: Medical Ethics, Medical Bioethics, Medical Profession, Professionalism, Fiduciary Duty, Medical Education

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How to Cite
LUNA PEREZ, Eugenio. Ethics or Bioethics for the Medical Profession?. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 7, july 2021. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 jan. 2025. doi:
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