Implementation of an Oncofertility Program: Key Elements, Challenges, and Solutions of the Oncofertility Treadmill

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Anisa Hussain, MA Jacqueline Sehring, MA Safina Usmani, MA Lauren Grimm, MA Ahmad Abadi, MD Angeline Beltsos, MD Roohi Jeelani, MD


An overwhelming proportion of females of reproductive age are affected by cancer annually. As the efficacy of cancer treatments increases the number of cancer survivors, it is imperative to ensure that the fertility-related needs of cancer survivors are met. Given the gonadotoxic nature of many cancer treatments, fertility preservation for patients prior to cancer treatment, Oncofertility, is a critical area of reproductive care. The establishment of an Oncofertility program requires swift and effective patient care that relies heavily on collaboration between multiple specialties, patient education, and clear treatment protocol. This specific flow of patient care can be referred to as an “Oncofertility treadmill,” given the emphasis on efficiently completing ovarian hyperstimulation cycles so that the patient may proceed with cancer treatment. We began by identifying key steps in the establishment of an Oncofertility program at a private, multisite fertility clinic, then explored the challenges that providers and patients may face, and the outcomes of Oncofertility patients undergoing ovarian hyperstimulation with the intention of oocyte cryopreservation. Oncofertility care is complex and the establishment of concrete guidelines for this Oncofertility care will greatly benefit cancer survivors.

Keywords: clinical guidelines, fertility preservation, oncofertility, fertility treadmill

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How to Cite
HUSSAIN, Anisa et al. Implementation of an Oncofertility Program: Key Elements, Challenges, and Solutions of the Oncofertility Treadmill. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 9, sep. 2021. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 23 jan. 2025. doi:
Research Articles


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