C-skeleton in the genetic code from a basic series 5 → 0, guiding valences and other numeral features in the code

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Åsa Wohlin


The search for regularities in the background for the genetic code and its codon assignments is here further developed, earlier shown to have many correlations with numeral series of integers 5 →0 with different exponents. The atomic mass analysis here counts on 20 + 4 double-coded amino acids, here including Ile AUA as such.

            A central finding here is that the C-skeleton seems to build on an hierarchical development of the mentioned basic series giving top numbers equal to those returning in side-chain divisions and on first three levels those of C-atoms in base-pair domains. It can very elementary explain the 3/2-division in the weight series.

            A few main results from earlier articles are shortly recapitulated, since it’s shown here that an x­3-series times 15 (x = integers 5 → 0) joins those earlier aspects and add new ones.

            It’s found also that atoms with valences 4 + 3 relative those with 2 + 1 make up a 3 to 1-division in both base-pair groups of codon domains, strengthening the earlier observation of valences as one important guiding principle in the relation between codons and domains of amino acids; valences of the atoms which in themselves make up a basic series 5 → 0 in the code when phosphorus P is included.

            Finally, fundamental factors in the code are gathered, where step 4 →3 seems reign at bottom of the code and number 7, exactly mean value of all atoms.

Keywords: Numeral series, Weight series of amino acids, x^3-series, Codon distribution, Mass analysis

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How to Cite
WOHLIN, Åsa. C-skeleton in the genetic code from a basic series 5 → 0, guiding valences and other numeral features in the code. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 12, dec. 2021. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/2620>. Date accessed: 07 oct. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v9i12.2620.
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