Are interleukin 6 and LTB4 measurements in exhaled breath of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 lung fibrosis patients easy, sensitive and useful indicators of the intensity of airway inflammation and fibrosis?

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Amr kamel Ahmed Ghareeb Alshuwaier Randa Mohamed M.A. Farag Abdulrahman I. Alaqil Asmaa Houjak Mahmoud Elkazzaz


Many studies pointed to il-6 as hall marker for severity and prognosis of covid-19 patients and represent the most important cornerstone at the discovery of many drugs for inhibition of it for switch-off of cytokine storm which is the concern of all scientists and patients together and a new disease at future medicine as covid-19 begin at last of December 2019. The sources of il-6 after viral stimulation are from macrophages and monocytes at many inflammatory sites or from stimulation of the HPA axis (endocrine il-6 ACTH stimulated) or respiratory il-6 stimulated by strenuous resistive breathing because contracting of respiratory muscles is considered like exercise and produce cytokines due to glycogen depletion

The Discovery of a non-invasive and easy method to examine il-6  which is the most important marker for severity and cytokine storm represent a new horizon for future viruses and modern medicine and that accelerates the intervention and depression of cytokine storm as early as possible and open the door for the discovery of many drugs work on this exhaled il-6 so our method for examination of il-6 at exhaled of covid and postcovid-19 patients help doctors for rapid categorization of patients and suspicion of severity. So, our study is a novel method for examination of il-6 Herein we intend to investigate the level of IL-6 in a breath of COVID-19 patients for the diagnosis of the early stages of lung inflammation and fibrosis. LTB4 is a potent chemoattractant and stimulator of neutrophils, without any significant effect on airway muscle. And increased in exhaled of children with mild and moderate to severe persistent asthma.

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How to Cite
AHMED, Amr kamel et al. Are interleukin 6 and LTB4 measurements in exhaled breath of COVID-19 and post-COVID-19 lung fibrosis patients easy, sensitive and useful indicators of the intensity of airway inflammation and fibrosis?. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, feb. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 feb. 2025. doi:
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