`You Can’t Be in Grade 12 and Don`T Have a Kid`. Boys’ Masculine Conversations Towards Impregnating in Namibian Schools: A Case Study of the Kavango East Region

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Faustinus Shikukutu Prevanand Labby Ramrathan


The prevalence rate of adolescent pregnancies seems to be escalating in Namibia especially in Kavango East region. This study sought to find out the contribution boy`s masculine discourses made to teenage pregnancy in Kavango East Region. To answer the research problem, a qualitative research design using an interpretive paradigm was used. The study drew on in-depth, focus group and individual interviews with a diverse sample of 42 adolescent males aged 17 – 20 years in schools of Kavango East region in Namibia.

Findings of this study revealed that boys’ masculine discourses play a significant role in determining teenage pregnancy in Namibian schools, especially for the inexperienced boys who listen to the discussions and attempt to experiment with sexual intercourse. Boys’ narratives regarding masculinity, sex, sexuality, and The article further foregrounds the imperative of addressing the need for more open communication on matters of sexuality with young people to be encouraged – especially with boys who are the main perpetrators of teenage pregnancy. Finally, more comprehensive gender education at school and traditional level should be provided to address gender disparity which consequently leads to teenage pregnancy.

Keywords: Masculinity, Discourses, Sexuality, Teenage pregnancy

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How to Cite
SHIKUKUTU, Faustinus; RAMRATHAN, Prevanand Labby. `You Can’t Be in Grade 12 and Don`T Have a Kid`. Boys’ Masculine Conversations Towards Impregnating in Namibian Schools: A Case Study of the Kavango East Region. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 4, apr. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/2691>. Date accessed: 02 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v10i4.2691.
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