Effects of an HIV Peer Navigation Intervention for Women Living with HIV: A Brief Report A brief report

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Lianne A Urada Macy McClung Rhea Van Brocklin Jill Blumenthal


Background: Peer navigation is an evidence-based model for engaging and retaining women living with HIV in medical care. Participants of an adapted Lotus peer navigation group intervention were hypothesized to have more self-perceived HIV self-care and advocacy behaviors following their participation than non-Lotus participants at an agency serving cisgender women and their families affected by HIV in San Diego, California.

Methods: The peer navigation intervention, Lotus, was adapted to include new modules on substance use, human trafficking, and intimate partner violence and piloted to compare its overall effects with a comparison group (2018-2019). Ninety-five cisgender women living with HIV (WLWH) completed posttest surveys measuring their perceived changes in peer advocacy and self-advocacy following their participation in a pilot of an adapted Lotus. Participants of the four-session Lotus group intervention (n=34) were compared to non-Lotus participants who engaged in other types of group activities at the agency (n=61). The Lotus group participants included a cohort of cisgender women > 50 years old, English and Spanish speaking women, and a mixed age and race/ethnicity group. All clients of Christie’s Place, an organization for women living with HIV in San Diego, were eligible if they were not actively using illicit substances substances in the past year. Cross-sectional bivariate analyses were run to determine differences between intervention and comparison groups. The groups were not randomized.

Results: Among 95 participants, 17% were White, 14% Black/African American, 44% Hispanic/Latino, and 25% Other/Mixed race/ethnicity with median age 51 years (IQR: 45-60). Eleven Latina, 9 White, 6 Black/African American, and 8 Other/Mixed individuals participated in Lotus. In bivariate analyses, Lotus WLWH living with HIV at posttest took their HIV medications correctly (p=0.040) and attended their healthcare/other service appointments as advised/scheduled 3 times more often than non-Lotus WLWH (p=0.014). They advocated for themselves within medical and social service settings 6 times more often (p<0.001) and talked openly with their doctor 4 times more often (p=0.028). They were also twice as likely to talk more often with their partner about safer sex (p=0.022) and PrEP (p=0.037) and a peer about safer sex (p=0.001). They were 3 times more likely to help a peer understand how HIV medications can improve their health (p=0.001). Medical records showed all Lotus intervention participants as virally suppressed one year after their participation.

Conclusions: Participants of an HIV peer navigation intervention experienced significant changes in self-reported self-advocacy outcomes. Peer navigation training interventions remain critical for medication adherence and self-advocacy among cisgender WLWH.

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How to Cite
URADA, Lianne A et al. Effects of an HIV Peer Navigation Intervention for Women Living with HIV: A Brief Report. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 6, july 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/2835>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v10i6.2835.
Case Reports


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