Associations Between Sleep Quality and Metabolic Syndrome in a Brazilian Population: A Primary and Cross-Sectional Study

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Marina Lancaster D. de Moraes Salles Nataly Garcia Lucas Fornari Laurindo Angiseli Damaceno Scanavacca Karla Regina Ezídio Ricardo José Tofano Cláudia Rucco Penteado Detregiachi Jesselina F. dos Santos Haber Mara Silva Foratto Marconatto Sandra Maria Barbalho Karina Quesada


Poor sleep quality can affect cardiovascular health and is considered a significant risk factor for the development of risk factors for Metabolic syndrome (MetS). This study aimed to investigate possible associations between sleep quality measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and the MetS. This was a cross-sectional that comprised data from 208 patients. Biochemical and anthropometric parameters were assessed. The identification of MetS was performed according to the International Diabetes Federation guidelines. The quantitative variables were described with the support of the BioEstat 5.3 software. To assess the association of the studied variables with the diagnosis of MetS, the Mann-Whitney and Chi-square (n x n) statistical tests were used. The level of significance considered was 5%. According to the International Diabetes Federation criteria, 111 (53,36%) men and women presented MetS. There were no statically significant differences between the groups with or without sleep disorders and the values of waist circumference (p=0.6996), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (p=0.7940), triglycerides levels (p=0.8703), blood pressure values (p= 0.9851, and p=0.9795 for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, respectively), and glycemia (p=0.5351). Eighty-eight volunteers (42%) presented sleep quality dysfunction, with the highest proportion observed among individuals affected by MetS (p=0.0019). Our results indicate an association between sleep quality and the prevalence of MetS . Therefore, sleep quality could be evaluated in patients with MetS so that the therapeutic strategy would not be limited to the intervention in biochemical and anthropometric factors.

Keywords: Metabolic syndrome, sleep quality, hypertension, dyslipidemia, obesity, diabetes

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How to Cite
SALLES, Marina Lancaster D. de Moraes et al. Associations Between Sleep Quality and Metabolic Syndrome in a Brazilian Population: A Primary and Cross-Sectional Study. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 6, july 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi:
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