Flatbreads on the Rise, What about their Nutritional Quality? The Current State of the Mediterranean Market

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Raquel Garzon Nicola Gasparre Antonella Pasqualone Maria Papageorgiou Tomislava Grgic Patricia Le-Bail Irene Mínguez Pablos Christelle El Tomb Christopher Magro Cristina M. Rosell


Flatbreads are increasingly attracting consumers, driving them to new eating ways. To define and evaluate the nutritional intake provided by these products, flatbreads market of seven Mediterranean countries (France, Spain, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Malta, and Lebanon) were considered. Flatbreads were available in both traditional and gluten-free versions, and in the single and doble layer variety. Wheat flour was the primary ingredient in both types, while sunflower and olive oil were the most used fats. Lebanese flatbread did not contain any fat. The Spanish market mostly featured one-layer flatbreads, such as tortillas and wraps, whereas pita appeared more frequently in Greece. Many Croatian flatbreads were not fermented. In comparison to gluten-containing flatbreads, the gluten-free version had a larger number of components listed on the labels. Blending flours with starches was the most common recipe. Hydrocolloids, emulsifiers, and fibers were added largely for technical reasons, but also to increase nutritional quality. Gluten-free flatbreads, on the other hand, were discovered to have lower fiber and protein content than their gluten-containing counterparts. Furthermore, their calorie value, as well as carbohydrate and salt content, were found to be lower.

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How to Cite
GARZON, Raquel et al. Flatbreads on the Rise, What about their Nutritional Quality? The Current State of the Mediterranean Market. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 7, july 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/2920>. Date accessed: 10 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v10i7.2920.
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