Mental Health Issues in Children Born to Parents in Harmonious Relationships: A Theoretical Consideration Mental Health in Children Born in Happy marriages

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Udayan Bhaumik


Objectives: Dysfunctional children are usually associated with discordant families. However, children growing up in families where the partners share a mutually cordial relationship may also face stress and mental health issues. Not all children of mutually loving parents face difficulties in building relationships as adults. For those who do, it may be due to failure to anticipate these difficulties in later life while growing up. This aspect has not received any attention from mental health professionals so far.

Methods: The author tries to consider the difficulties that may be faced by children who grow up in compatible families and yet face trust and relationship difficulties as young adults.

Discussion and Conclusions: The treatment for these adults becomes challenging as they may present with a variety of mental health problems. The treatment of these adults presents a challenging aspect to mental health professionals. More studies are required to understand the nature of the psychological issues faced by these individuals and plan treatment for them.

Keywords: harmonious relationship, congenial relationship, compatible couples, mistrust, happy marriage, children, commitmen

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How to Cite
BHAUMIK, Udayan. Mental Health Issues in Children Born to Parents in Harmonious Relationships: A Theoretical Consideration. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 8, aug. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 03 july 2024. doi:
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