The Correlations of Clinical-Neurological Signs with The Different Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury and their Prognostic Important

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Mamadaliev Abdurakhmon Mamatkulovich, DSc, PhD Aliev Mansur Abdukholikovich, PhD


Clinical manifestations were correlated with traumatic brain injury outcomes using electronic computers. Neuroopthalmologic signs, motor and vital disorders had maximal prognostic values. Outcome was highly correlated with consciousness disorders phase scaling and patients’ state scores as well as with coma and consciousness disorders length suggesting that these parameters are of major prognostic importance. A close correlation was found between consciousness states, patients’ state scores and traumatic brain injury variants, brain lesion forms, vital and somatic disorders indicating their role as determinants of traumatic brain injury outcome.

Keywords: clinical signs, TBI, correlation, prognostic, Moscow Coma Scale.

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MAMATKULOVICH, Mamadaliev Abdurakhmon; ABDUKHOLIKOVICH, Aliev Mansur. The Correlations of Clinical-Neurological Signs with The Different Outcomes of Traumatic Brain Injury and their Prognostic Important. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 9, sep. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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