Student as a Clinical Teacher: Evaluation of Peer Teaching Experience in Clinical Education

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Khalid A. Bin Abdulrahman Mohammed Abdulrahman Alfadhel Khalid Ebrahim Alswayed Naif Abdulmoghni Al-Thakfan


Background: peer teaching is considered one of the best methods of active learning strategies. The study aims to evaluate the perception of their peer-teaching experience, assessing their satisfaction with the quality and efficacy of the process. 

Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed using anonymous self-administered online questionnaires. The study aimed at medical students in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who have been enrolled in the peer teaching process at least once

Results: of the 188 medical students who completed the study questionnaire, 77.1% were male. About half of them (48%) reported participating in at least one or more peer teaching sessions discussing medical contexts. More than half (55.3%) had indicated that they preferred a peer student to learn from an informal educational session. About two-thirds (75%) of the students thought they would possibly conduct future peer-assisted clinical teaching sessions if needed. The top three benefits of peer teaching from the student's point of view were; 1. peer-assisted clinical education enhances clinical skills and knowledge retention, 2. Has a positive impact on the performance of clinical exams; 3. helped to apply clinical skills during regular curricular clinical courses.

Conclusions: the study confirmed that peer education is an effective learning method in the clinical phase. Medical colleges should provide the appropriate environment that encourages senior students to teach their peers. Junior students and students of one batch should teach each other and try to be active teachers and learners alike.


Keywords: Peer Teaching, Peer Tutoring, Student as a Teacher, Teaching strategies, Saudi Arabia

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How to Cite
BIN ABDULRAHMAN, Khalid A. et al. Student as a Clinical Teacher: Evaluation of Peer Teaching Experience in Clinical Education. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 10, oct. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:
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