The Risk of Suffering Violence by the Elderly People: The Power of Cognitive Functioning and Loneliness Through the Analysis of the Gamma Model

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Lídia Serra Verónica Parreira Luís Silva


Objective: The elderly people has been increasing and the danger of elderly people suffering violence also tends to grow. When the elderly people have cognitive weaknesses, are alone and helpless, the probability of suffering violence is very high. The main objective of this study is to analyze whether cognitive functioning, the loneliness felt by the elderly people and their affects can predict the risk of suffering violence.

Methods: The number of participants in this study was 101 of both genders, with ages ranging between 65 and 94 years. The instruments applied were a sociodemographic questionnaire, Arvini Range Test, the University of California, Los Angeles Loneliness Scale, the Mini Mental State Examination and Positive and Negative Affect Schedule.

Results: The results showed that after eliminating potentially influential observations, the adjusted model revealed that cognitive functioning and loneliness are predictors of the risk of suffering violence by the elderly people.

Conclusion: It is important to consider that the presence of subjective feelings of loneliness and how the elderly’s brains cognitively work can be considered risk factors for violence against them. These variables must be taken into account in the preparation of caregivers and nursing homes so that violence against the elderly people can be prevented.

Keywords: risk of suffering violence, elderly people, cognitive functioning, loneliness, effects

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How to Cite
SERRA, Lídia; PARREIRA, Verónica; SILVA, Luís. The Risk of Suffering Violence by the Elderly People: The Power of Cognitive Functioning and Loneliness Through the Analysis of the Gamma Model. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 9, sep. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi:
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