The “Reverse Magnet Effect” of Alpha Emitters and the Health Costs of Depleted Uranium in the Balkans: The Root of the Debt Crisis in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland

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Florent Pirot


Very large scale health effects of the depleted uranium (DU) spreading from the Balkans can be observed through analysis of WHO DALYs data and explain the budgetary deficits at the roots of the 2010s’ debt crisis in Southern Europe (the “PIGS”, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) and Ireland. The countries around the Balkans suffered from DU exposure through patterns of “positive push”, the brain being constrained in its decisions by pre-existing internal contamination with alpha emitters and their positive charge repelled by the new alpha emitters of the DU strikes in the Balkans (“reverse magnet effect” from +/+ repelling). The subjects are constrained to move in certain patterns by the positive resistance coming from the area of the Balkans, clogs emerge in their bodies leading for instance to cardiomyopathies, kidney and urinary diseases, mesothelioma and other neoplasms, along with immune deficiencies and mutations causing rises in infectious diseases, and alcoholism. The slow rise in alpha activity of depleted uranium, with its decay chain pattern leading to more and more alpha-emitting atoms over time (because daughter atoms are shorter-lived) causes a “timebomb” pattern (as usual in veterans of wars with DU) with an increasing “push” effect and explains the later public debt crisis. Beyond the so-called “PIGS”, Austria suffered as well a lot from the DU fallout, with health costs and environmental damage altogether and this is shown analytically. More direct endocrine effects on the brain are also shown, with behavioural consequences. The case for more epidemiological effects if nothing is done is clear and comes together with strong societal issues resulting directly from the intertwinning of the neurological impairments affecting decisionmaking and divergence in the answers that can be offered. NATO refunding of the ECB’s public bond-buying programs with depleted uranium to allow it to emit depleted uranium coins is suggested as final fixture to the root problems of the debt crisis.


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How to Cite
PIROT, Florent. The “Reverse Magnet Effect” of Alpha Emitters and the Health Costs of Depleted Uranium in the Balkans: The Root of the Debt Crisis in Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 9, sep. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 jan. 2025. doi:
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