Interprofessional Team Diagnostics Consultation Improves Health Professions’ Practice Outcomes and Clinical Research

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Elizabeth Kenimer Leibach Professor Emerita


Background: Communication gaps in health services delivery significantly compromise quality in clinical decision making. Information generated by diagnostics professionals’ accounts for much of the objective data in the clinical record and therefore is foundational in clinical decision support. This work describes the Diagnostics Consultation Model©, a diagnostics communications portal, which supports communications among interprofessional teams, providers, and institutions.

Aims: Study aims were to develop and validate a workflow prediction index (the complexity index) to assign resolution of consultation requests to diagnostics practitioners with requisite competencies based on an algorithm comprised of characteristics available at the point of consultation initiation. The complexity index functions as the entry into a workflow process directing consultation requests, first, to diagnostics practitioners for investigation and then into communication processes for tracking medical history, patient/consumer clinical information, resolution logic, conclusions, and next step recommendations among all healthcare providers.

Methods: Data to develop the complexity index (N = 325 consultation cases) were collected during daily activities in the clinical diagnostics laboratory and describe consultation characteristics important in clinical decision making and available at the point of consultation initiation. The complexity index was developed and validated by comparison of regression analyses using consultation characteristics, i.e., clinical outcomes, available at the point of consultation initiation (development) and after consultation completion (validation).

Results: Diagnostics Consultation Model© methodology links communication processes among all providers in all care settings, i.e., community, institutional, and referral, involved in the care paths of individual patient/consumers. This methodology also provides the capability to follow individuals’ medical histories longitudinally and, through regular consultations and practice-based clinical research, to address issues of medical effectiveness, cost efficiency, access, equity, timeliness, safety, and compliance.

Implementation of Diagnostics Consultation Model© methods and curriculum in health professions’ daily practice has the potential to change health services delivery by the redistribution of care through interprofessional teams coordinated by standardized communication processes. Employed as a systems approach to individualized patient/consumer care, the Diagnostics Consultation Model© could provide the communications technology and methodology structure for value-based healthcare continuously optimized to address the needs of individuals, populations, and health systems throughout the continuum of care.

Keywords: IPT Team Diagnostics Consultation Improves Health Professions’ Practice Outcomes and Clinical Research, Interprofessional Team Diagnostics Consultation, Health Professions’, Health Professions’ Practice, Health Professions’ Practice Outcomes, Health Professions’ Practice Outcomes and Clinical Research, Clinical Research

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How to Cite
LEIBACH, Elizabeth Kenimer; EMERITA, Professor. Interprofessional Team Diagnostics Consultation Improves Health Professions’ Practice Outcomes and Clinical Research. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 10, oct. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 jan. 2025. doi:
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