Bridging Health Care and the Workplace: Formulation of a Return-to-Work Intervention for Breast Cancer Patients Using an Intervention Mapping Approach

Main Article Content

Elke Smeers Huget Désiron Elke Van Hoof Jeroen Mebis Lode Godderis Angelique de Rijk


Background: Women of working age who are diagnosed with breast cancer often experience a decline in their ability to work during and after treatment. A hospital-based tailored intervention is needed to restore their labour participation by bridging the gap between the healthcare setting and the workplace. The aim of this intervention is to restore the labour participation and, guided by an occupational therapist, to enhance the quality of life of BC patients during their return-to-work process. This paper mainly focusses on describing that intervention, including the research protocol to evaluate its feasibility and participant’s perceptions.

Materials and Methods: The development of the BRIDGE intervention has yielded a roadmap that describes the individual patient’s path to return to work and includes tools for professionals. The Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR) guidelines were used to systematically describe the intervention. A feasibility study – designed as mimic RCT - was used as protocol for this study.

Results: prepared by a phase 0 (indication phase), the five phases of the intervention are as follows: exploration; comparison; preparation; goal-setting and action planning; realisation and evaluation. An overview of the procedures involved, including the stakeholders in each phase and the materials to be used, is also presented. Results of the mimic RCT are currently analysed and prepared for publication.

Conclusions: This five-phase BRIDGE intervention is performed by an OT and targets patients in paid work who have been diagnosed with BC. It aims to bridge the gap between the healthcare setting and the workplace.

Keywords: return to work intervention, hospital-based, breast cancer, occupational therapy

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How to Cite
SMEERS, Elke et al. Bridging Health Care and the Workplace: Formulation of a Return-to-Work Intervention for Breast Cancer Patients Using an Intervention Mapping Approach. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 11, nov. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 feb. 2025. doi:
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