Association of Non-Melanoma Skin Carcinomas and UV Exposure with Exfoliation Syndrome in Utah

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Chase Paulson D James Barker Christian Pompoco Sam Taylor Matthew Conley Ayesha Patil Nnana Amakiri Brian Stagg Robert Ritch Jae H Kang Janey L Wiggs Karen Curtin Barbara Wirostko


Background: Prior data suggest an association between non-melanoma skin cancer, i.e., basal and squamous cell cancers most often located in areas of sun exposure, and pseudoexfoliation syndrome. This study aimed to evaluate the association between these conditions and UV exposure through a detailed questionnaire in a large and robust Utah population.

Methods: The two arms of this study are a population-based study (evaluated via chart review) and a UV exposure study (evaluated via a questionnaire). Participants answered a questionnaire designed to assess lifelong UV exposure, including leisure and occupational sun exposure, likelihood to tan or burn in early life, eye and hair color, smoking behavior, vitamin D deficiency, skin cancer history, alcohol consumption, and caffeine intake.

Conclusion: Descriptive findings suggest UV exposure over an adult’s lifespan may associate with a higher risk of non-melanoma skin cancer in Utah exfoliation patients vs. unaffected individuals. Patients with exfoliation glaucoma reside at higher elevations than non-glaucoma patients.

Keywords: Non-Melanoma Skin Carcinomas, Non-Melanoma Skin Carcinomas and UV Exposure, Exfoliation Syndrome, Exfoliation Syndrome in Utah

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How to Cite
PAULSON, Chase et al. Association of Non-Melanoma Skin Carcinomas and UV Exposure with Exfoliation Syndrome in Utah. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 10, oct. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 08 dec. 2024. doi:
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