Socio-Demographic Predictors of Depression During the First COVID-19 Lockdown

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Robert Lubin Bruna Voldman Hallie Peller Heather Green


Depression has been associated with poor health outcomes. This study sought to answer three research questions. Firstly, are there significant differences in the frequency of participants who screen positive for anxiety and depression in the population segregated by sociodemographic factors such as gender, age, living alone, and socioeconomic status (SES)?  Second, what sociodemographic factors were predictors of anxiety and depression symptoms?  The third research question, what extent does loneliness predict anxiety and depression symptoms when controlling for demographic measures. With regards to depression, the results of the analysis supported our hypothesis that low-income participants were more likely to screen positive for depression compared to higher income participants.

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How to Cite
LUBIN, Robert et al. Socio-Demographic Predictors of Depression During the First COVID-19 Lockdown. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 11, nov. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 jan. 2025. doi:
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