Effects of facemask therapy in the treatment of skeletal class III malocclusion in Vietnamese children

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Tham Khac Dong Thao Thi Thu Mai Thu Ngoc Yen Nguyen Thuy Anh Vu Pham, DDS, PhD http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2679-6604


Sparse data are available on the effects of facemask therapy in treatment of skeletal class III malocclusion in Vietnamese children. The purpose of this study was to investigate the skeletal, dental, and soft-tissue profile changes following facemask treatment in children with skeletal class III malocclusion. Twenty-four children (7-12 years-old) with skeletal class III malocclusion treated with facemask appliance were included in this study. All lateral cephalograms taken before and after treatment had been manually traced, followed by cephalometric landmark identification and parameter measurements. Significant skeletal, dental and soft tissue profile changes after treatment were recorded and statistically evaluated by paired t test at a 0.05 significance level. After treatment, the maxilla moved forward (SNA increased 1.53 degrees and A–Y increased 1.93 mm; p<0.001). The mandible rotated backwards and downwards (SNB decreased 1.35 degrees; B–Y decreased 1.12mm; p<0.001). These movements in the maxilla and mandible caused a significant improvement in intermaxillary sagittal relationship (ANB increased 2.89degrees; the convexity angle increased 4.7 degrees; Wits appraisal increased 3.77mm; p<0.001). The maxillary incisors moved forward (4.57 degrees). The improvement in overjet was 5.83 mm. The change in Prn-Y and Ls–E measurement was 2.46mm and 2.72mm, respectively. Our results showed that facemask was highly effective for treating skeletal class III malocclusion and improving facial esthetics. Facemask treatment is a highly effective for skeletal class III malocclusion because it leads to positive changes in the jaws, teeth and soft tissue after 1-year of treatment.

Keywords: Facemask, skeletal class III malocclusion, Vietnamese children

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How to Cite
DONG, Tham Khac et al. Effects of facemask therapy in the treatment of skeletal class III malocclusion in Vietnamese children. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 11, nov. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/3287>. Date accessed: 21 jan. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v10i11.3287.
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