Student Perceptions of a Basic Medical Science-focused Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience

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Marilyn Odom



The four-year Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum at Belmont University College of Pharmacy requires student pharmacist to successfully complete 10-one month rotations in clinical or research facilities.  Basic science faculty offer rotations which expose student pharmacists to basic medical bench research. The objectives of this study were to (1) evaluate the student pharmacists’ assessments of the facilities, preceptor, and experiences during the rotation, and (2) assess student phamacists’ perceptions as described in their reflections. 


Student perception of the rotation was measured in two ways.  First, an Educator Evaluation was conducted through E*Value™.  The instrument was divided into Section I which queried about the site/experience and Section II which focused on the preceptor.  Second, investigators reviewed student pharmacists’ reflections using narrative and content analysis to evaluate how students expressed their feelings regarding the APPE. Key topics were defined according to reported findings and elective research rotation supportive rationale.  A pair-wise linear regression was performed on data.


Student pharmacists rated the laboratory facilities and the preceptors highly.  Through reflective exercises, student pharmacists expressed a high level of satisfaction with the research rotations.  A comparison of results from two independent investigators searching the reflections for key terms relating to the outcome of the rotation showed a strong correlation between the results from each individual investigator.


Final conclusions

This rotation may not be appropriate for all student pharmacists; however, for those with an interest in research, the rotation can provide an opportunity to further explore the area.  This helps to enhance certain characteristics, such as data interpretation and critical thinking skills.  Overall, students felt that the rotation benefited them as future pharmacists.

Article Details

How to Cite
ODOM, Marilyn. Student Perceptions of a Basic Medical Science-focused Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 2, sep. 2015. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025.
advanced pharmacy practice experience, bench research, reflections, critical thinking


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