Silver Carboxylate as an Antibiotic-Independent Antimicrobial: A Review of Current Formulations, in vitro Efficacy, and Clinical Relevance A Review of Current Formulations and Clinical Relevance

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Makena Mette Liam Connolly Neel Vishwanath Sai Allu Colin Whitaker Benjamin K Stone Drew Clippert Valentin Antoci Christopher Born Dioscaris Garcia


The increasing prevalence of multi-drug resistant pathogens has led to a renewed focus on the use of silver as an antibiotic-independent antimicrobial. Unfortunately, the use of many silver formulations may be limited by an uncontrolled release of silver with the potential for significant cytotoxic effects. Silver carboxylate (AgCar) has emerged as an alternative formulation of silver with the potential to mitigate these concerns while still displaying significant bactericidal activity. This article reviews the efficacy of silver carboxylate formulations as a promising novel antibiotic-independent antimicrobial.
This study was conducted through a search of five electronic databases (PubMed, Embase, MEDLINE, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science) for relevant studies up to September 2022. Searches were conducted for types of “silver carboxylate” formulations. Sources were compiled based on title and abstract and screened for inclusion based on relevance and study design. A review of the antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity of silver carboxylate was compiled based on this search.   
Current body of data suggests that silver carboxylate shows promise as an emerging antibiotic-independent antimicrobial, with significant bactericidal effects while minimizing cytotoxicity. Silver carboxylate addresses several of the limitations of more primitive formulations, including controlled dosing and fewer negative effects on eukaryotic cell lines. These factors are concentration-dependent and largely rely on the vehicle system used to deliver it. Although several silver carboxylate-based formulations like titanium dioxide/ polydimethylsiloxane (TiO2/PDMS) matrix-eluting AgCar have shown promising results in vitro, and could potentially be utilized independently or in conjunction with current and future antimicrobial therapies, there is a need for further in vivo studies to validate their overall safety and efficacy profile.

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How to Cite
METTE, Makena et al. Silver Carboxylate as an Antibiotic-Independent Antimicrobial: A Review of Current Formulations, in vitro Efficacy, and Clinical Relevance. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 12, dec. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 feb. 2025. doi:
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