Acute in vivo toxicity of neonicotinoid pesticide residues in common Egyptian fruits

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Shaimaa Elshebiney Marwa El-Araby Amr Khattab


Pesticide residues in food is a major health hazard. Contamination of pesticide residues in common Egyptian fruits was studied. Samples of peach and cantaloupe (500g each) from five different local markets were examined. Fruit samples were liquid-liquid extracted. Thiamethoxam was detected in three cantaloupe samples at 0.085 mg/kg and acetamiprid in two samples at 0.24 mg/kg, whereas acetamiprid was detected in all the peach samples at 0.08 mg/kg. Detected levels were below MRL. Male albino rats were given either distilled water (0.2 ml) or acetamiprid (17 µg/kg) or thiamethoxam (6 µg/kg) orally for 6 consecutive days. Doses were calculated according to the estimated average daily intake of fruits (~100 g) and extrapolated to rats. Thereafter, oxidative state of liver and brain was evaluated besides liver function tests and assessment of histopathological features. Serum GPT was in normal range in thiamethoxam-exposed rats, while it showed a marked increase in acetamiprid-exposed rats. sGOT was elevated after exposure to both compounds, though total protein and sGSH were not affected. Oxidative insult was expressed in liver tissue through increased MDA, NO and protein carbonyl contents, although the antioxidant GSH pool was not depleted after pesticide exposure. Acetamiprid boosted the cytokine IL-1 level. Histopathological examination of liver tissue showed inflammatory degenerative changes. Acetamiprid affected the DNA integrity in blood. Brain oxidative state was not changed. These pesticides should be further studied for guiding local regulations towards safer use to avoid long term associated health hazards.

Keywords: Acetamiprid, DALY, Fruits, Pesticides, Thiamethoxam

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How to Cite
ELSHEBINEY, Shaimaa; EL-ARABY, Marwa; KHATTAB, Amr. Acute in vivo toxicity of neonicotinoid pesticide residues in common Egyptian fruits. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 12, dec. 2022. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 feb. 2025. doi:
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