The Role of Self-Compassion in Predicting Psychological Resilience and Adaptive Responses during the Covid19 Pandemic

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Loucia Demetriou Vasiliki Hatzi Demetris Hadjicharalambous


COVID-19 was a global pandemic and a mental health emergency posing long-lasting negative consequences on people's well-being. Understanding coping responses that lead to quicker and more positive adaptation patterns after temporary adversity can help people return quickly to well-being. Our research aims to explore the role of self-compassion in predicting more adaptive responses, lowering anxiety levels and fear of COVID-19 contagion, and improving psychological resilience during the pandemic challenges. Relevant research findings confirm self-compassion and psychological resilience's positive contribution to the individual's problem-solving skills. Our research is quantitative with the use of two standardized questionnaires, namely, Neff’s “Self-compassion scale” 18 and Smith’s “Concise Resilience Scale” 28 (in Greek). Participants were 164 Greek and Cypriot subjects aged 18-65, and we collected data online by sharing the questionnaire's link on social media. Data analysis through the SPSS 25.0 showed high levels of resilience and self-compassion, moderate anxiety, and high levels of fear of COVID-19 contagion. Moreover, we detected statistically significant positive correlations between self-compassion and psychological resilience, and significant negative correlations between anxiety, fear of contagion, resilience, adjustment, and self-compassion, indicating that high levels of self-compassion can predict high levels of resilience and be protective factors against anxiety and fear of COVID-19 contagion toward more adaptive responses. 

Keywords: Covid-19, Mental Health, Pandemic, Psychological Resilience, Self-Compassion, Well-being

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How to Cite
DEMETRIOU, Loucia; HATZI, Vasiliki; HADJICHARALAMBOUS, Demetris. The Role of Self-Compassion in Predicting Psychological Resilience and Adaptive Responses during the Covid19 Pandemic. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 1, jan. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025. doi:
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