Assessment of Awareness of Face Mask Use among the Rural Adult Population of South Karnataka, During The COVID-19 Pandemic

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Dr. Sridevi Kulkarni Dr. Guruckeeran Nakkeeran Mr. Narayana Swamy DM Dr. Govind GS Dr. Rani HL


Introduction: The novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, is a newly emergent disease and its epidemiology was unknown. In absence of effective treatment and vaccines, prevention of spread was the only option to save mankind. Social distancing, diseased isolation, and face mask use were initiated across the globe as prevention strategies. Of these, using face masks has stood as time tested strategy. But the introduction of face masks in Indian settings, without prior education on appropriate methods of use (wear, storage, disposal) has made their effectiveness questionable. Hence, the present study intended to assess the knowledge, attitude, and practice of face mask use among rural adults and to address the gaps if any.


  1. To determine the prevalence of face mask usage

  2. To determine the prevalence of practicing appropriate method (WHO recommended) of face mask use.

  3. To assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of face mask use and factors influencing them.

Methodology: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted in the rural field practice area of BGS Global Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore. Pretested questionnaire was administered to 120 participants through the face-to-face interview. There were 8,5 and 11 questions used to assess knowledge, attitude, and practice of face mask use respectively.

Results: The face mask acceptance rate was 98.6%. Only 1/3rd of the study population knew the appropriate method (WHO) of wearing a face mask. The majority of participants had good knowledge (76.6%) and positive attitude (74.9%) towards mask use, but poor practices (76.6%). Knowledge about face mask use was associated with age, education, and occupation. A positive attitude towards mask use was associated with the participants’ education level. Whereas the practices related to face mask use was poor and was not associated with any of the factors mentioned above.

Conclusion: The media (mass/social) has equipped people with good knowledge about face masks and the current pandemic has brought in a positive attitude. But people lack skills in appropriate mask use, storage, and disposal. Community activities directed towards Behavioural Change Communication are the need of the hour to ensure WHO-recommended practices for face mask use and disposal.

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How to Cite
KULKARNI, Dr. Sridevi et al. Assessment of Awareness of Face Mask Use among the Rural Adult Population of South Karnataka, During The COVID-19 Pandemic. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 3, mar. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025. doi:
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