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Kaninika Panda, Head, Research & Academy Satish Prasad Rath, Chief Innovation Officer


Infertility is a global crisis affecting 15% of global population. Rapidly declining sperm counts below critical levels demands immediate attention to make fertility treatment widely available; accessible and affordable; the triple aim in healthcare. Though fertility treatments have advanced in recent years manifold, unfortunately many are still away from accessing the available treatment due to various behavioural influences and biases. Infertility not only affects physical health, but also impacts mental, social and emotional health of individuals and society. Unawareness, guilt, shame and coping issues are some of the strong biases/influences that effect healthcare seeking action. Beneficial effects of behavioural economics (should vs would) has been well studied and applied in health policy and treatment interventions, especially in chronic diseases. A systematic understanding of behavioural stages patients go through during fertility treatment journey; from seeking treatment, adjusting to the multiple cycles of anticipation to welcoming a baby can greatly help individuals access available treatment sooner, in the appropriate way and accept the journey for better outcome with less burden. Providers too will be better equipped to help patients in an informed empathetic counselling once they understand the psycho-behavioural transitions of the patients throughout the journey. Fertility policies, patient education can be designed based on behavioural models that can make fertility treatment accessible at community level.

Keywords: infertility, Psychology, Behavioural models, Healthcare access, Behavioural economics

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How to Cite
PANDA, Kaninika; RATH, Satish Prasad. BEHAVIOURAL MODEL BASED STRATEGIES FOR BETTER ADOPTION OF INFERTILITY TREATMENT. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 3, mar. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 jan. 2025. doi:
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