Tuberculosis Elimination: Importance of Environmental Control and Creation of Carbon Neutral Hospitals and Sanatoriums

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Vinod Kumar Viswanathan, MD, DNB, FRCP Rathika M, Ch, PGDHIVM


Tuberculosis is planned to be eliminated by 2035 using the end TB strategy by WHO. The strategy has moved on from the concept of TB control using microbiological methods of detection and therapy towards elimination strategies by addressing the social determinants of Tuberculosis. One such area of focus is environmental control and preventing the airborne spread of infection. The importance of environmental engineering and the creation of Carbon neutral hospitals as part of the Tuberculosis elimination strategy is discussed.

Keywords: Tuberculosis, Elimination, environment, carbon neutral

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VISWANATHAN, Vinod Kumar; M, Rathika. Tuberculosis Elimination: Importance of Environmental Control and Creation of Carbon Neutral Hospitals and Sanatoriums. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 4, apr. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 jan. 2025. doi:
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