Food Insecurity Moderates Association Between Perceived Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Access and Vegetable Intake in the Rural Southern US

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Cerra C. Antonacci April Hermstad Regine Haardörfer Michelle C. Kegler


Objective. Assess associations between perceived fresh fruit and vegetable access and obtaining fresh fruit and vegetables from various food sources with meeting national recommendations for fruit and vegetable intakes and BMI, and whether associations differ by food insecurity.

Methods. Secondary data analysis of a cross-sectional survey evaluating a health equity initiative among 1,474 respondents in 6 rural Georgia counties. Logistic regressions assessed associations between perceived fresh fruit and vegetable access and fresh fruit and vegetable sources with meeting/not meeting fruit and vegetable recommendations and BMI, and interactions with food insecurity.

Results. Respondents who obtained fresh fruit and vegetables at small local grocery stores, farmer’s markets, and community/home gardens had twice the odds of meeting national vegetable recommendations. Food secure adults with greater perceived fresh fruit and vegetable access had 1.5 times the odds of meeting national vegetable recommendations.

Conclusions and Implications. Results highlight perceived access inequities for food insecure adults and the importance of food sources for vegetable consumption in the rural South.

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How to Cite
ANTONACCI, Cerra C. et al. Food Insecurity Moderates Association Between Perceived Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Access and Vegetable Intake in the Rural Southern US. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 5, may 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 mar. 2025. doi:
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