Influence of COVID in Digitizing and Collective Endeavor in Indonesia

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Putri Rakhmadhani Nur Rimbawati


Digitalization of the education system in Indonesia became an important topic in the country’s ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology during the period of COVID as all the schools in the country were closed indefinitely. Online classrooms were adopted nationally to ensure that learning persisted despite the shutdown, with teachers and students communicating digitally on instruction, assessment, reporting, and conversations. After the pandemic, the country has not dropped the technology but rather, has taken several steps towards completely digitizing the education system. A literature review was conducted in this paper to understand how COVID pandemic has been instrumental in bringing digital transformations in Indonesia’s education system. It was found that the country has carried forward, as well as introducing further actions in the efforts to digitize the country’s education system. Intriguingly, Indonesia highlights some of the ways that covid-19 has revitalized the tradition of gotong royong (mutual cooperation) within the current setting, in addition to the influence of digitalization on life. Gotong royong is a technique that is frequently employed to raise public awareness of the harm that results from breaking through social barriers, even in the name of getting back together with families to observe a religious holiday. The idea has given rise to a new view of collectivism that does not require physical proximity for us to keep each other safe in this situation.

Keywords: COVID19, Influence of COVID, Influence of COVID in Digitizing

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How to Cite
RIMBAWATI, Putri Rakhmadhani Nur. Influence of COVID in Digitizing and Collective Endeavor in Indonesia. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 6, june 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:
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