Energy Drink Consumption in Adolescents is Harmful and Everyone Needs to Know Why

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Mohamad Moussa, MD Miriam Grasso


The consumption of energy drinks among adolescents and young adults has escalated tremendously in recent years, with increasing evidence of adverse events related to these beverages resulting in emergency department visits and, at times, catastrophic patient outcomes. While the evidence of harm has grown, little has been done to regulate the advertisement and sales of energy drinks to young people. The regulation of other substances of abuse, such as tobacco and alcohol, serve to similarly protect this young population. These policies should be used as a guide to begin to combat the problem of energy drink consumption among adolescents and young adults.

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MOUSSA, Mohamad; GRASSO, Miriam. Energy Drink Consumption in Adolescents is Harmful and Everyone Needs to Know Why. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 7.2, july 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025. doi:
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