Application of the Alfieri technique for the resolution of tricuspid dysplasia in 7 canines

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Guillermo Belerenian Alejo Gabay Pablo Hall Claudia Pucheta Octavio Medina Bouquet Marcelo Linares Daniel Rodriguez Gustavo Abuin


The application of the Alfieri technique in humans is a well-known and pioneering thechnique that was replaced by modern atrioventricular valve repair strategies.1,2 This technique in canines and also in humans is yet a valid alternative, particullary to canine tricuspid dysplasia.1 The “strategy” consists to transform the “monorificial” dysplastic tricuspid valve insufficiency into a “biorificial” one by means of a suturing at the level of the valve apposition face in the site of greatest regurgitant flow. The surgical field is cleared from blood by means of occlusion of both venae cavae. With this strategy the reduction of the insufficiency jet was achieved in 7 canine carriers of said congenital pathology. The technique demonstrated its anatomical reliability, repeatability, low mortality, and low cost. Of the total number of cases operated on, one patient died the day after surgery, another patient a year later due to non-cardiac causes, and the rest continue under clinical follow-up at the time of presenting this series.

Keywords: Alfieri technique, Application of the Alfieri technique, dysplasia, tricuspid dysplasia

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How to Cite
BELERENIAN, Guillermo et al. Application of the Alfieri technique for the resolution of tricuspid dysplasia in 7 canines. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 7.1, july 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 mar. 2025. doi:
Research Articles


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