SC Hemoglobinopathy: a rare case report

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Fernanda Sampaio Zottmann Jiviane Cunha Barretto da Silva, MD Shadia Abdul Hadi El Khatib Gabriela Pupo Guimarães Julia de Lima Coneglian Bibiana Born Vinholes Luiza Celeste Gebrin Carla Matos Vieira Borges


In SC hemoglobinopathy, a rare type of sickle cell disease, patients may
experience vaso-occlusive phenomena, but in a milder condition than in the SS
form, considered classic and the most common among them. This current study
aims to present a case of a patient with this rare form of hemoglobinopathy, who
received a late diagnosis, and its clinical evolution, including symptoms,
treatment and life expectancy based on the literature, but mainly on how the
patient is clinically found after seven years of follow-up. It is important to have
epidemiological studies about hemoglobinopathies, specially the rare forms, to
obtain more information regarding the incidence/prevalence of the disease and
clinical manifestations.

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How to Cite
ZOTTMANN, Fernanda Sampaio et al. SC Hemoglobinopathy: a rare case report. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 7.1, july 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:
Case Reports