Myo-fascial pains in Muscular Dystrophy and Neuro Acupuncture

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Patrick Sautreuil Tuy Nga Brignol Philippe Thoumie


Objective of the paper: To show the interest of neuro-acupuncture in the treatment of muscle pain in Muscular Dystrophy Diseases.

Background: The practice of neuro-acupuncture dedicated to out bed patients in a department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Rothschild Hospital, Paris, Assistance Publique -Hôpitaux de Paris).

Material and method: Neuro-Acupuncture is a simplified form of Acupuncture adaptated to scientific medicine, associating dry needling and deqi. Our experience has been acquired with 20 patients suffering from Muscular Dystrophies.

Result: In front of the diversity of clinical features, Neuro-acupuncture allows adaptation to each patient at each session. Benefit is improvement in pain, equilibrium, walking and quality of life.

Discussion and conclusion: The application of this technique requires a lot of meticulousness in the clinical examination and in the placement of the needles for maximum efficiency. The benefit on pain is significant, immediately and over time.

Keywords: Muscular Dystrophy, Acupuncture, neuro-acupuncture, myofascial trigger point, dry needling, deqi

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How to Cite
SAUTREUIL, Patrick; BRIGNOL, Tuy Nga; THOUMIE, Philippe. Myo-fascial pains in Muscular Dystrophy and Neuro Acupuncture. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 8, aug. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 feb. 2025. doi:
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