Do Some Infections Develop Independent of Contamination?

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Alen J Salerian, MD


Background: It has been suggested that life began from sterile organic matter and the first microorganisms

have evolved to complex multicellular organisms. Also, it has been hypothesized that some Infections may derive through diverse pathways independent of contamination or oviposition.

Objective: The aim of this study is to demonstrate that microorganisms and flies may derive from sterile organic matter.

Methods: Three intact eggs in a tightly closed jar were sterilized using standard 2,450-MHz microwave irradiation for 5 minutes, were placed outdoors in ambient conditions for three weeks and were shipped to Anresco labs in San Francisco, CA.

Results: 130 million Bacillus atropheus and bacillus amyloltquefaciens. There were more than 20 flies outside of the jar and inside on the cap of the jar. Most of the flies were in the pupa stage and some were already adults. All the flies were identified as Hump Backed Flies Family Phoridae.

Discussion: Our experiments support both the hypothesis that life began from sterile organic matter and the Darwin’s theory of evolution. Furthermore, it seems that some opportunistic, viral infections and myiasis maybe endogenous.

Conclusion: Some infections may be endogenous.

Keywords: Darwin, Evolution, Burn wound and opportunistic infections, Endogenous infections, Myiasis

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How to Cite
SALERIAN, Alen J. Do Some Infections Develop Independent of Contamination?. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 7.2, july 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:
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