Mapping the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Spanish Cultural Industry: Wellbeing State?

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Antonio Sánchez-Bayón Dante A. Urbina F. Javier Sastre


This study examines of the impact of COVID-19 lockdown on the Spanish cultural industry in a context in which new technologies -such as streaming platforms- have facilitated the consumption of culture without leaving home and its contribution for the social wellbeing. Thus, after discussing some issues related to digital economy and wellbeing economics, we perform an empirical analysis based on data collected by means of a questionnaire. It is found that the consumption of culture has increased during the quarantine mainly as a means of entertainment for dealing with boredom, anxiety and stress. Audiovisual products were consumed by almost all individuals, especially in the form of movies and series. Regarding music, we find that singers or groups that performed live concerts and interacted with their fans via social networks were better positioned. Reading was also a relevant activity during the quarantine, with people preferring the paper format rather than the digital one. It is noteworthy that the most consumed cultural products tend to be Spanish productions in series, music and reading. In this way, the COVID-19 crisis did not necessarily generate a crisis for the cultural industry and, in fact, provided relevant opportunities for the growth and consolidation of this sector to the extent that the actors rapidly adapted to the digital transformation. Also, this digitalization helps to keep the social wellbeing with entertainment against the lonely and stressful situations.

Keywords: Cultural industry, entertainment, COVID-19, digital economy, wellbeing economics

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How to Cite
SÁNCHEZ-BAYÓN, Antonio; URBINA, Dante A.; SASTRE, F. Javier. Mapping the Impact of COVID-19 Lockdown on the Spanish Cultural Industry: Wellbeing State?. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 8, aug. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi:
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