Tetralogy of Fallot: Early Diagnosis and Treatment and its Impact on Survival Rates

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Fernanda Abade Lemos Keyla Bispo Silva Camila Caldeira de Campos Marcio Cerqueira de Almeida Sérgio Roberto Molfi de Lima Filho Taíse Santos Rocha Emerson Pinheiro Ferreira Wesley Alves de Souza Talita Souza Rocha Sabrina Andrade dos Santos Antonio de Jesus do Nascimento Mariana Calazans Alves Fernanda Leopoldo Uva Scarleth Barbosa da Silva Jaine de Sousa Oliveira


Introduction: Tetralogy of Fallot affects about 3 out of 10 thousand live births, occupying a rate of 10% of all congenital cardiac malformations.

Method: this is a systematic retrospective study of bibliographic review articles, of quantitative approach and descriptive and exploratory nature, with the timeframe from 2013 to 2023. 

Results: It was possible to verify that Tetralogy of Fallot is a serious congenital pathology and therefore requires surgical intervention to correct the defects present in the cardiac structure. Most bibliographic studies show that early intervention, around the first year of life, is the best treatment option and is associated with an increase in the survival rate of these individuals.

Discussion: the importance of preventive strategies during prenatal care is evident, with counseling and crucial information for mothers, aiming to provide quality care to the child at birth and to proceed with the best form of treatment, in order to reduce the mortality rate caused by this disease and proportionally increase the survival rate and life expectancy of this population.

Conclusion: given the importance of early diagnosis and treatment, it is essential that pregnant women are attended by qualified professionals who know how to identify the risk factors and clinical signs of this pathology, in addition to having easy access when necessary to perform fetal echocardiography, or more specific tests, in favor of the quality and life expectancy of these individuals.

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How to Cite
LEMOS, Fernanda Abade et al. Tetralogy of Fallot: Early Diagnosis and Treatment and its Impact on Survival Rates. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 11, nov. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <https://esmed.org/MRA/mra/article/view/4231>. Date accessed: 15 jan. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18103/mra.v11i11.4231.
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