Decrease of Graft Failure Rate by Improving Tactics and Surgical Techniques in Extraanatomic Bypass Operations

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Ovidiu Vasile Jimborean Daniela Tatiana Sala Cristian Borz Marton Denes Mara Andreea Vultur Gabriela Jimborean Radu Mircea Neagoe


We analized the early and late postoperative complications that occurred after 693 bypass operations (574 anatomic and 119 extra-anatomic) performed in 10 consecutive years (1997-2006). The bypass graft failures (infection + thrombosis) treatment and the subsequent evolution of the patients were detected by analyzing patients’ readmissions made to solve these major post-bypass complications. The follow-up period extended up to 12 years after the primary arterial bypass reconstruction. In this period we registered: 89 secondary arterial reconstructions for early and late graft thrombosis; 8 healings after removal of the infected prostheses, followed by extraanatomic bypass operations (7 obturator bypass + 1 axillo-bifemoral bypass). The most frequent vascular prosthesis infection sites were the Scarpa triangle and the thoraco-abdominal subcutaneous segment of the axillo(bi)-femoral graft. Major amputations after extraanatomic bypass operations: at 4 years postoperatively for axillo(bi)-femoral operations the amputation rate was 17.6%, while for crossover operations it was 7.5%. Perioperatory mortality after anatomic bypass operations = 2 intraoperatory and 8 postoperatory (1.38%/574 operations); perioperatory mortality after extraanatomic bypass operations: 2 postoperatory deaths (1.68%/119 operations), 1 after axillo-femoral prosthesis infection and 1 after acute myocardial infarction. In order to reduce the graft major complication rate after extraanatomic bypass operations we took the following measures: 1. When there are arterial occlusive lesions distal to the femoral tripod we ensured an adequate outflow which favores the long-term patency of the extraanatomic graft; this goal was obtained by 2 methods: by enlargement profundoplasty and/or by performing an additional distal bypass towards the popliteal artery or towards the subgenicular arteries. The distal subgenicular anastomosis was made between a venous graft and the distal outflow artery for reducing the intimal hyperplasia. 2. For crossover bypass operations we often used autologous vein grafts; 3. In crossover ilio-femoral bypass operation with venous graft we avoid the graft compression in its path through abdominal wall by passing the graft through a stable caliber hole made in a polypropylene closure mesh of the abdominal wall. 4. We promote the tunneling of the axillo-femoral prosthesis through the subaponeurotic muscular tissue because this tissue better protects the prosthetic graft against infection. 5. In order to reduce the groin prosthesis infections, we prefer performing ilio-femoral crossover bypass instead of femoro-femoral one. 6. The obturator bypass remains a valuable tratment for groin infected prosthesis.

Keywords: extraanatomic bypass, crossover bypass, limb-threatening ischemia, graft thrombosis, vascular prosthesis infection, obturator bypass

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JIMBOREAN, Ovidiu Vasile et al. Decrease of Graft Failure Rate by Improving Tactics and Surgical Techniques in Extraanatomic Bypass Operations. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 8, aug. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 09 sep. 2024. doi:
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