Assessment of Biodentine Pulpotomy as an Alternative to Conventional Root Canal Treatment for Permanent Teeth in Children: An In Vivo Study

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mubeena T.A Amith Adyanthaya Marium Raheema Anju R.V Dr Karthik Nair Dr Asif Ismail Dr Afroza K.K Dr Gopika Gopan Dr Preema M.U


Introduction: A vital pulp tissue is responsible for supporting the tooth structure through reparative dentin production. Preserving pulp vitality is essential in maintaining vascularization and nutrition to the tooth that eventually will support tooth structure & reduce teeth mortality. Root canal treatment for permanent teeth in children is a complex procedure requiring lengthy appointments and multiple visits and often require a full coverage restoration. on the other hand vital pulpotomy requires shorter appointments and usually accomplished in one visit. Vital pulp therapy can help to retain vital permanent teeth that are able to withstand normal function. Vital pulp therapy (VPT) has been increasingly considered as a minimally invasive approach for the management of teeth with inflamed pulps compared to the conventional approach of root canal treatment.

Aim:To assess the outcome of Biodentine in complete coronal pulpotomy in permanent teeth with symptomatic reversible pulpitis.

Methodology: In the present study 30 healthy children of age below 12 years requiring pulpotomy were selected after clinical and radiographic assessment. Pulpotomy technique was carried out after local anaesthesia and rubber dam application. After exposure, pulp was amputated to the level of canal orifices (full pulpotomy) using a sterile spoon excavator and high-speed round bur under water coolant. Hemostasias is achieved by cotton pellet moistened with 3 % NaOCl for 2 minutes and repeat as needed, after haemostasis achieved Biodentine was mixed according to the manufacturer’s instructions and gently placed over the pulp to a thickness of 2-3 mm and after that a permanent restoration was placed. All treated patients were followed up at 3-month,6-month,9-month interval for clinical and radiographic evaluation. Resulting data were tabulated and statistically analyzed.

Results: Out of the 30 study samples,2 patient cases revealed abnormal clinical and radiographical changes at the end of 3 months and one more patient reported with pain and tenderness to percussion at the end of 6 months. At the end of 9 months follow up, clinical and radiographical success rate was 90.0% respectively.

Conclusion: Biodentine as a pulpotomy agent has a high successful rate and fulfilled all requirements of an ideal pulpotomy medicament. Hence Biodentine can be routinely used in practice for the management of carious permanent tooth in children. Excellent outcome of present study results were truly indicative of Biodentine being a promising pulp repair agent for pulpotomy in clinical practice.

Keywords: Biodentine, Permanent Molar, Pulpotomy, Clinical, radiographic outcome

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How to Cite
T.A, mubeena et al. Assessment of Biodentine Pulpotomy as an Alternative to Conventional Root Canal Treatment for Permanent Teeth in Children: An In Vivo Study. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 8, aug. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 jan. 2025. doi:
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