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M. Lanka M. Glenn S. Sagrika P. Tanvi D. Zara


In the era of digital dentistry, positioning of implants can by designed with the help of CBCT and CAD CAM. Surgical guide can be made to direct the implant placement in bone. Although various researchers showed the importance of 3D planning but because of chances of errors at various levels of digital protocols may lead to deviations. Even no data is available to confirm the accuracy of GBR with digital workflow. This retrospective analysis of simple suture placement technique in anterior edentulous region will make clinicians to understand the positioning of drills, anatomical variations, directions and placements of implants, need of bone grafting and implant emergence.

Keywords: suture guide, implant placement technique retrospective analysis, esthetic zone

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How to Cite
LANKA, M. et al. THE USE OF SURGICAL SUTURE AS AN IMPLANT PLACEMENT GUIDE – A RETROSPECTIVE OVER VIEW OF OVER TWO DECADES OF IMPLANT THERAPY. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 10, oct. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 22 dec. 2024. doi:
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