Strategies for Scientific Journals to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Scholarship, Science, and Practice

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Shane R. Jimerson


Background: Internationally, colleagues from minoritized groups and backgrounds are typically underrepresented within scientific journals. The benefits and importance of advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, to further enhance science, scholarship, and practice are increasingly evident. Historical systems, structures, beliefs, policies, processes, and practices often advantage some and disadvantage others (e.g., racial, ethnic, gender minorities), thus, it is important to be reflective and proactive in advancing diversity, equity, inclusion in scientific journals.

Aims: It is imperative that leaders of scientific journals engage in intentional, purposeful, and sustained actions to advocate for and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion, scholarship, science, and practice. There are numerous strategies that may be implemented by journal leadership to contribute to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Methods: Herein, a succinct summary of several recommendations is provided, followed by a case study illustrating the implementation of actionable strategies and current outcomes associated with the School Psychology Review journal. Strategies discussed include: (a) establishing individual and collective commitments to advocating for and advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion as the foundation of our scholarship; (b) diversifying the journal leadership; (c) diversifying the editorial advisory board; (d) preparing future diverse journal leadership through mentored editorial fellowship programs, especially focused on early research career individuals; (e) mentoring future colleagues by establishing a student editorial board with members from diverse backgrounds; (f) focusing on special topics relevant to diverse and minoritized children, youth, families, and school communities; (g) making available professional-development opportunities and resources; and (h) establishing a journal action plan focused on advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Results: The outcomes delineated in the present case study illustrate that the journal engages and benefits from the contributions of many distinguished colleagues from diverse and underrepresented backgrounds. Moreover, the journal contents that have followed from these efforts further advance science, scholarship, and practice that supports disadvantaged children, youth, and families, including those from minoritized groups.

Conclusions: Colleagues, organizations, and entities involved with scientific journals around the world are encouraged to advance and sustain diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in science, scholarship, and practice.

Keywords: Strategies for Scientific Journals

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How to Cite
JIMERSON, Shane R.. Strategies for Scientific Journals to Advance Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Scholarship, Science, and Practice. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 9, sep. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 20 jan. 2025. doi:
Review Articles


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10. Espelage, D. L., Boyd, R. C., Renshaw, T. L., & Jimerson, S. R. Addressing Youth Suicide Through School-Based Prevention and Postvention: Contemporary Scholarship Advancing Science, Practice, and Policy. School Psychology Review. 2022; 51:3, 257-265.

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