Complication Management in Periodontal Ligament-Mediated Implant Placement with Total Extraction of the Root: A Case Report with 4 Years Follow-up

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Evangelia Zampa Konstantinos Siormpas Spyridon Silvestros


An increasing number of studies report on periodontal ligament-mediated implant placement procedures to mitigate the biological sequel of total tooth extraction in the esthetic zone. Longitudinal results of these techniques show promising results for ridge dimensional stability achieved by partial extraction of the root followed by immediate implant placement. Nonetheless, because of the recency of these techniques, there is a dearth of clinical documentation of related complications and protocols for their management. In this case report, we present the management of a complication in an implant in the aesthetic zone utilizing the “root-membrane” technique with a four-year followup. Total extraction of the root membrane and guided bone regeneration resolved the dental-related complication

Keywords: Complication management, PDL-mediated implant placement, root-membrane

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How to Cite
ZAMPA, Evangelia; SIORMPAS, Konstantinos; SILVESTROS, Spyridon. Complication Management in Periodontal Ligament-Mediated Implant Placement with Total Extraction of the Root: A Case Report with 4 Years Follow-up. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 9, sep. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 02 jan. 2025. doi:
Case Reports


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