Anxiety, stress, depression and burnout among health care worker during covid wave: a retrospective study

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Mayur N Mishra, BDS, MDS Suchit Dana, BDS, MDS Pranav Kurup Ubaid Kureshi Shiba Vijayan Nairuti Dave


Health workers are central to the COVID-19 pandemic response, balancing additional service delivery needs while preserving access to essential health services and deploying COVID-19 vaccines. They also face higher risks of infection in their efforts to protect the greater community and are exposed to hazards such as psychological distress, fatigue and stigma.

Methodology: A retrospective cross sectional study is carried out among the health care workers residing Gujrat, India. A cross sectional study was carried out among the sample of 600 registered health care workers,(specialist, general physian, nurses, others) who were active during covid pandemics. Online questionnaire (DASS 21 and Maslach burnout inventory) were distributed to the participants to evaluate their stress, anxiety and depression status.

Results: Around 48.1 % participants were suffering from mild-moderate to severe level of depression. Anxiety was found to effect around 60% of health care workers. And almost 68% of health care worker has suffered from stress. The burnout level was also very high among health care worker (table 5). It was found that 52% participants were having low-moderate to high level of burnout.

Conclusion: Stressfulness of work, and practice management were factors in which reality was experienced to be worse than expected. Also, finding a suitable practice was something that appeared more difficult than expected in their early career. Burnout is recognized as a potential problem within a broad range of occupations, and within many different countries.

Keywords: COVID-19, burnout, healthcare workers, mental health, public health

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How to Cite
MISHRA, Mayur N et al. Anxiety, stress, depression and burnout among health care worker during covid wave: a retrospective study. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 1, jan. 2024. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 14 mar. 2025. doi:
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