Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Healthcare Provider’s Practices, Attitudes, Self-confidence, & Knowledge Regarding Bullying Questionnaire

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Vicki Hensley




     The purpose of this research was to develop and evaluate the psychometric properties of Hensley’s Healthcare Provider’s Practices, Attitudes, Self-confidence, & Knowledge Regarding Bullying Questionnaire (HCP-PACK). 


     Hensley’s HCP-PACK consists of 63 items and three subscales.  The subscales were developed based on bullying literature and feedback from five bullying experts.  Clinical experts evaluated the scale for content validity and health care providers responded to the questionnaire to examine test re-test reliability and internal consistency for the questionnaire’s subscales.


     The content validity index for the questionnaire was .97 for relevancy and .96 for clarity.  Test-retest analysis on the three subscales: attitudes, self-efficacy, and, knowledge yielded Pearson r of.80, .81, and .77 respectively.  The subscales for attitudes, self-efficacy, and knowledge had Cronbach’s alphas of .70, .88, and .84 respectively. 


     These results provide preliminary evidence of the validity and reliability of Hensley’s HCP-PACK.  With additional psychometric testing, Hensley’s HCP-PACK instrument has potential for measuring current practices, attitudes, confidence level, and knowledge of pediatric healthcare providers regarding bullying and assessing for bullying during well child exams.  Furthermore, the questionnaire could be slightly modified to assess other populations, such as teachers or counselors.  Lastly, the information gained during the collection of data can aid in the development of provider interventions to those involved in bullying behaviors.    

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How to Cite
HENSLEY, Vicki. Development and Psychometric Evaluation of the Healthcare Provider’s Practices, Attitudes, Self-confidence, & Knowledge Regarding Bullying Questionnaire. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 2, n. 10, dec. 2015. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 04 july 2024.
Childhood bullying, questionnaire development and psychometrics,
Research Articles


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