Assessment of asthma control in adult patients by Fractional Exhaled Nitric oxide and Asthma Control Test

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MUHAMMED ANAS AYOOB Soumya Mol Mohammed Ismail Dr. Prasad


Background: The most crucial step in achieving and keeping asthma under control is to lessen the inflammation in the airways. Nitric oxide fractional exhaled (FeNO) levels have been utilised as an indicator of airway inflammation. Uncertainty regarding the potential function and properties of exhaled fractional nitric oxide in asthma management.

Objective: To determine whether FeNO and Asthma Control Test (ACT) can objectively assess asthma control in adult patients and identify any potential relationships between FeNO and both the ACT score and the spirometry data of patients. Also determine their use in reducing the dose of inhaled steroids.

Methods: The design of the study was a systematic review. A qualitative research methodology based on an analysis of previously published materials. 

Results: This study thoroughly examined the literature on the Asthma Control Test and Fractional Exhaled Nitric Oxide assessment of asthma control in adult patients. Finally, 16 scientific studies were analysed. The highest variations in FeNO values during diagnosis were significantly linked with FeNO levels at diagnosis during conventional asthma treatment. Evaluating adherence and FeNO response to monitored inhaled corticosteroid treatment may prevent the needless progression to biologic therapy in asthmatic patients with high Type-2 biomarker levels. There is a close connection between the ACT score and the treatment modifications as well as the measurements of lung function. FeNO may be able to detect poor asthma control; however, it cannot substitute for clinical judgment and may only be beneficial in a subset of asthmatics. The average and percentage variation of standards following asthma treatment did not show any significant relationship between FeNO levels and various other factors are related (expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) or ACT scoring), however, there were strong positive correlations between ACT scores and FEV1.

Conclusion: Research revealed a highly significant link between the level of FeNO at diagnosis and the biggest variations in FeNO readings after diagnosis. Using FeNO as a supplementary non-invasive method for assessing asthma control may be effective in both steroid-naive asthmatics and those who are being treated with steroids.

Key Words:  Asthma, FeNO, Asthma control test

Keywords: asthma, FeNO, Asthma control test

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How to Cite
AYOOB, MUHAMMED ANAS; MOHAMMED ISMAIL, Soumya Mol; PRASAD, Dr.. Assessment of asthma control in adult patients by Fractional Exhaled Nitric oxide and Asthma Control Test. Medical Research Archives, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 11, nov. 2023. ISSN 2375-1924. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 12 sep. 2024. doi:
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